3 Copywriting Tips for More Sales, Clients, & Conversions

graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen

Whether you’re a copywriter yourself, or a business owner looking to boost your bottom line, I’ve got good news for you. You can actually see huge improvements in your sales and conversions from very simple, quick fixes.

These copywriting tips combine psychological insights with old school copywriting savvy. When implemented, they’ve consistently taken my clients’ results to the next level. But as you’ll see, they’re also deceptively simple and overlooked by the vast majority of people and businesses.

Here are three of my best copywriting tips for more sales, clients, and conversions.

1. Add a Video

Video sales letters, and really putting almost any video on your sales page/product description has been shown to consistently boost sales, improve trust, etc. It also keeps prospects on the page longer, which is a good metric Google uses for SEO & rankings.

2. Add Reviews & Testimonials, with FACES

Obviously reviews & testimonials boost trust and interest, but I have a hard time talking some of my clients into using faces and pictures of customers. If you look at the websites of the best marketers, they almost all do this for their own testimonials.

Humans like faces. Faces build trust. More trust = more sales.

Looking for an example? Check out one of my own testimonials:

“Writing That Generates Sales…”

brandon gilbert

“Corbin is efficient, reliable and cordial. He produces writing that generates sales while remaining true to the voice, vision and goals of the company. I look forward to working together with Corbin on more projects in the future.”

Brandon Gilbert
Owner/Founder, Hyperion Herbs

See what I mean? Something as simple as including a picture of your client or customer makes reviews and testimonials exponentially more attention-grabbing and believable.

3. Highlight Benefits Instead of Features

This is an old school copywriting rule that people too easily forget. Features are just that: arbitrary features of your company, product or service:

"We do this, we've been around this long, our product is great at X."

Endless features are a lot like going out on a date and talking about yourself the whole time.

Benefits use more "you" language and speak to the desires of the customer/client:

"Generate more leads for your business in less time; turn your one off customers into regulars; build your wealth passively, never pay full price for your X again."

*Bonus* | Hire a Pro

As a business owner, you've got a lot on your plate. If you're looking for someone to take your sales pages, emails, web copy, product descriptions, or other written material to the next level, get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you 🙂

Corbin Buff

I help businesses increase sales and conversions by writing dynamic, engaging, and high-performance copy.

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