How to Get Great Testimonials for Your Business

how to get great client testimonials

Recently, I received a question regarding testimonials from loyal reader Steven K. :


“Would it be unhelpful for your YT channel if you did a video on how to solicit testimonials? And what to prioritize in the testimonial itself?
In this client exchange Bridget, my client, asks me what I’d like in the testimonial. Aaaaand I sort of know, but…”


There are a few ways to go about soliciting testimonials…

The important thing to remember is that the most powerful testimonials will use a problem > solution framework or before > after framework (think of those weight loss/body transformation photos you see for fitness coaches… those are visual testimonials. But you can leverage the same framework in written form).

So, simply put, you want to ask questions that will guide the testimonial into those frameworks.

I discuss some sample questions in this video HERE:

You can also check out this feedback form that I use to collect testimonials for Ultimate Easy Client Generation, to see what kind of questions I ask.

(Btw – if you’ve gone through UECG, please fill out this form! It takes a few seconds and really helps me… I wanna get some testimonials up on the sales page so I can help more people!)

I also know some writers who use “exit interviews” similar to that form to collect client feedback. Personally, I find if you ask more than one or two questions that clients are just never going to answer you, though. So balance guiding questions, with minimal effort on the client’s part…

Again, more ideas on getting testimonials in my video HERE.

A Final Note on Getting Great Testimonials

Full Disclosure: That testimonial form I use for UECG is heavily inspired by a form Dennis Demori sends out after you complete his 6 Figure Email Copywriting Course. So thanks to Dennis. His course is also pretty much the only good training I’ve found and would recommend for building a 6 Figure business specializing in email copywriting. It’s a pretty epic value for everything you get (the course itself, plus a handful of killer ebooks. Each ebook alone is pretty much worth the price of the whole course). You can pick it up and start printing email moolah HERE:

Corbin Buff

I help businesses increase sales and conversions by writing dynamic, engaging, and high-performance copy.

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