How to Start a Copywriting Career or Business (With No Experience)

how to start a copywriting career with no experience

Are you looking to break into the world of copywriting or freelance writing, but overwhelmed or confused about how to get started? Or perhaps you’re discouraged because you don’t have tons of documented experience. Never fear – this is the post for you.

Unfortunately, since copywriting falls neatly into the “make money online” world, there are a bunch of greasy gurus and complete nonsense that gets taught to beginners looking to get started. A lot of these myths only make people even more confused or overwhelmed. Or worse: they’re designed to separate you from your money in exchange for some $499+ course that you absolutely do not need to get started copywriting.

I’m going to help you cut through the clutter and give you the brass tacks, no-frills way to get started copywriting or freelance writing, even if you don’t have any experience. But before I do, let’s take a closer look at some of the myths I was discussing earlier, so you know what red flags to watch out for and what not to waste your precious time on.

How Not to Get Started in Copywriting

If the copy gurus aren’t telling you to “just buy my course bro,” they’re likely telling you something like this:

This path isn’t necessarily “wrong.”

But at the same time, it’s just one of many paths up the mountain… and ironically, it is the most competitive one, so I have no idea why everyone promotes it.

As we’ll see below, there are plenty of other ways to find success in this game that don’t involve hand-copying Gary Halbert’s sales letters for 9 months before you’re “allowed” to start your writing business.

For a longer and deeper rant on how not to get started in copywriting, you can also check out my video below:

How to Actually Get Started in Copywriting

Ok, we’ve covered the nonsense that often gets promoted and isn’t helpful.

So what should you do instead if you actually want to start your copywriting business?

Here’s what I recommend (and also what I did myself):

How to Start a Copywriting Career or Business with No Experience:

  1. Find brands whose products/messaging you align with (ideally, you already use their products).
  2. Offer to write them something specific for free/in exchange for a testimonial.
  3. Congrats, you are now a “copywriter” and have a “portfolio” of copy samples & testimonials.
  4. Repeat the process, but charge $$$.

That’s it.

And yes, this really is all I did to get started.

In fact, some of the testimonials on my own testimonial page are still from the FREE work I did when I was getting started, working my way up the ladder.

Can you tell which of my testimonials are from free work vs. paid work?


And guess what: prospective clients can’t tell either.

So as soon as you have samples and testimonials (even if they’re from work you did for free), you can now leverage those into paying opportunities. Because chances are, clients that are looking at them won’t know whether you’ve been doing this for 2 months or 2 years.

Unless of course, you take the nonsense advice in the first half of this article, and only apply to work with the most competitive direct response companies in the industry (are you beginning to understand why I think that advice is so dumb now?)

But, if you just want to help normal businesses that make great things/services for great people, this will likely be enough to get you up and running.

I hope you use it to build some momentum for yourself, and maybe even start a business that changes your life forever.

Let me know either way 🙂

Corbin Buff

PS: If you want to see all the emails and DMs I sent that landed me my best clients, as well as templates for raising rates, getting retainers, etc…. They’re all right here:

Corbin Buff

I help businesses increase sales and conversions by writing dynamic, engaging, and high-performance copy.

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