From the Desk of Corbin Buff
Hey fellow wordsmith,
I don’t know about you…
But I learned early in my writing career that if I wasn’t actively writing, I wasn’t making money.
As a copywriter or freelance writer, you’re usually paid by the hour, by deliverable, or on a retainer basis…
Either way, in some way your income is directly tied to your time spent writing.
This is fine, but wouldn’t things be easier if you had at least one passive income stream at your disposal?
This passive income would allow you to:
- Live in abundance rather than scarcity, and let clients come to you
- Replace 1-2 clients and free up your time
- Pay your rent, grocery bill, and more – on autopilot
- Buy a Lambo AND a Ferrari (ok, that one was a joke)
If that sounds cool to you – I’ve got good news:
There are more ways for writers to earn passive income than ever before.
I’m going to share my five favorite methods with you.
By the way: wanna know the coolest thing about these five paths to passive income?
As a freelance writer, these methods are ALL built off of skills that you ALREADY have.
So if you’re ready to use your powers for yourself and write your way to passive income…
Get started by unlocking your free guide, The 5 Paths to Passive Income for Writers now: